United Methodism 101

United Methodist Church Organization

This class was the first of a series on the United Methodist Church and met in the first couple of months of 2006. We followed the order of Bishop Jack M Tuell's book "The Organization of the United Methodist Church (2005-2008 Edition). Below are chapter notes prepared by Nick Strobel and links to other materials for the class. These are PDF documents. These are Strobel's "cliff notes" (compressed, non-creative derivative of Bishop Tuell's original, creative work) and Strobel bears all blame for any mistakes in the notes.

Chapter 1: Foundations

Chapters 2 and 3: The Ministry of All Christians and The Local Church

Chapter 4: The Ministry of the Ordained

Chapter 5: The Superintendency

Chapter 6: The Conferences

Chapter 7: Administrative Order

Chapter 8: Church Property

Chapters 9 and 10: Judicial Administration and Conclusion

Wesley United Methodist Church -- Bakersfield, CA